This blog is focused on the requirements of wheelchair users in the workplace. Therefore its aimed at business owners and office managers who want to ensure their office is more wheelchair friendly for their staff. We hope you find it helpful!
1. Ensure the workplace is accessible and compliant to the Equality Act.
2. Make sure the wheelchair has sufficient space to manoeuvre comfortably.
3. Consider the reach of shelves, cupboards and other items used on a daily basis by the person using the wheelchair - for example, an adjustable workstation might be well suited.
4. Provide an ergonomic chair for the wheelchair user to use in meetings or regular breaks from their chair.
5. Provide staff members with information about accessible services in the workplace or in the local community.
6. Create an environment where the individual using the wheelchair is comfortable asking for help or making requests as needed.
7. Regularly check for obstructions in the space and repair or replace broken items.
8. Make sure any changes or adjustments to the workplace are clearly communicated to everyone in the workplace.
9. Ensure that any staff members who may assist someone in a wheelchair with tasks possess the appropriate training.
10. Monitor the use of the wheelchair, speak with the user regularly to ensure that their needs are being met.